Home Workout – The importance of staying active

Home Workout - Vikten av att vara aktiv

Vi befinner oss alla i en aldrig tidigare skådad tid av nedstängning på grund av coronaviruset. Det är nu något som påverkar var och en av oss, antingen direkt genom våra familjemedlemmar eller indirekt genom vårt arbete eller företag. Här på Teneriffa är vi inne på vår fjärde vecka av...
Boot Camp “Day of Reckoning”

Boot Camp "Räkenskapens dag"

Boot Camp “Day of Reckoning” Friday saw the last day of our most recent 6 week weight loss boot camp course for residents in Tenerife. As is customary we finished the course off with an extremely tough boot camp training program. “Day of...
Weight Loss


Weight Loss Weight Loss for many people is a difficult thing. People struggle to find the discipline and motivation to go and do some form of exercise. Others struggle to find the correct food to eat. Whereas others actually kid themselves about how they exercise and...
Bootcamp Assault Course

Bootcamp Assault Course

Bootcamp Assault Course We finished our week on Friday with a High Intensity Bootcamp Assault Course on the beach at Playa La Pinta, Puerto Colon. Fitness Bootcamp With a mixture of clients from our ongoing 6 Week Fitness Bootcamp and several clients on a Bootcamp...