Kids Krav Maga Exam

Krav Maga-examen för barn

Kids Krav Maga Exam Stort grattis till alla som gjorde sitt Kids Krav Maga Exam i lördags. Vi arbetar och tränar kontinuerligt för att säkerställa att deras standard är tillräckligt hög för att bli graderade i Krav Maga-systemet. Vi börjar provet med fysisk kondition som...
Desperately missing bootcamp

Saknar desperat bootcamp

Som en långvarig medlem av resident beach boot camp team, en del av mig är tarmad att jag inte längre kan delta eftersom jag är ute och reser för de kommande 2 åren. De saker som jag tyckte mest om under min tid på bootcamp är de utmanande och varierade träningspassen, tro...
Kids Krav Maga

Barn Krav Maga

This weekend we are taking part in a Kids Activities Fair at Siam Mall. The idea is to let parents see local activities and club so they can choose extra curricular activities for the year. The event draws thousands of people through Tenerife’s premier shopping...
Boot Camp “Day of Reckoning”

Boot Camp "Räkenskapens dag"

Boot Camp “Day of Reckoning” Friday saw the last day of our most recent 6 week weight loss boot camp course for residents in Tenerife. As is customary we finished the course off with an extremely tough boot camp training program. “Day of...
Weight Loss


Weight Loss Weight Loss for many people is a difficult thing. People struggle to find the discipline and motivation to go and do some form of exercise. Others struggle to find the correct food to eat. Whereas others actually kid themselves about how they exercise and...
Krav Maga Training Holiday

Krav Maga Training Holiday

Krav Maga Training Holiday Father and Son Ralf and Aaron are just completing their first Krav Maga Training Holiday here in South Tenerife. I want to say a massive congratulations to both of them as they are finishing an extremely tough and challenging 2 weeks of...