Desperately missing bootcamp

Echando de menos desesperadamente el bootcamp

Como miembro veterano del equipo residente del campamento de entrenamiento en la playa, una parte de mí se siente desolada por no poder seguir asistiendo, ya que me voy de viaje durante los próximos 2 años. Las cosas que más disfruté durante mi tiempo en bootcamp son los entrenamientos desafiantes y variados, cre...
Weight Loss

Pérdida de peso

Weight Loss Weight Loss for many people is a difficult thing. People struggle to find the discipline and motivation to go and do some form of exercise. Others struggle to find the correct food to eat. Whereas others actually kid themselves about how they exercise and...
Desperately missing bootcamp

Bootcamp Assault Course

Bootcamp Assault Course We finished our week on Friday with a High Intensity Bootcamp Assault Course on the beach at Playa La Pinta, Puerto Colon. Fitness Bootcamp With a mixture of clients from our ongoing 6 Week Fitness Bootcamp and several clients on a Bootcamp...


  CIRCUIT TRAINING As part of our unique FITNESS HOLIDAY Program we do a High Intensity Circuit Class on the Tuesday and Thursday morning at 08;00 – 09;00. This class starts with a circuit including Kettle bells, TRX, Medicine Balls and Weight Plates.  Each...