Fitness Holidays 2019

Fitness vakanties 2019

Laatste Fitnessvakantie 2019 We zitten in de laatste week van onze Boot Camp Vakanties en Fitnessvakanties van dit jaar. Ik ben absoluut opgetogen over de resultaten van alle klanten die onze cursus gewichtsverlies hebben gevolgd. In de afgelopen 6 maanden...
Kids Krav Maga Exam

Kinder Krav Maga Examen

Kids Krav Maga Examen Van harte gefeliciteerd aan iedereen die zaterdag zijn of haar Kids Krav Maga Examen heeft gedaan. We werken en trainen voortdurend om ervoor te zorgen dat hun niveau hoog genoeg is om een gradatie in het Krav Maga Systeem te halen. We beginnen het examen met fysieke conditie als...
Krav Maga Training Holiday

Krav Maga Training Holiday

Krav Maga Training Holiday Father and Son Ralf and Aaron are just completing their first Krav Maga Training Holiday here in South Tenerife. I want to say a massive congratulations to both of them as they are finishing an extremely tough and challenging 2 weeks of...


  What is a FITNESS HOLIDAY? A Fitness Holiday is a specially designed vacation where the emphasis is on Losing Weight and improving your Fitness levels.  This type of holiday has become increasingly popular over the last few years as more people are becoming...


FITNESS HOLIDAYS A CUSTOM MADE FITNESS BOOTCAMP HOLIDAY I am delighted to offer what i believe is the most professional & well organised program in FITNESS HOLIDAYS.  An ever increasing number of people are now looking for a lot more from their HOLIDAY or VACATION...