As part of our unique FITNESS HOLIDAY Program we do a High Intensity Circuit Class on the Tuesday and Thursday morning at 08;00 – 09;00.

This class starts with a circuit including Kettle bells, TRX, Medicine Balls and Weight Plates.  Each exercise is done at High Intensity for 30 seconds with 15 second break.

The second part of the class is usually Pad Work such as Boxing or Kickboxing techniques all done at High Speed.  We also do a lot of stomach work such as sit ups and sit ups with medicine balls.


These High Intensity Interval Training Classes are a great way to build stamina, tone muscles and strip fat.   By building in boxing or kickboxing it gives the added benefit of learning a new skill which can also be used in the event of having to defend yourself.



For more information on our FITNESS HOLIDAYS and BOOTCAMP HOLIDAY Program contact me now.  If you’re ready to make changes in your life…. take the first step with us!