Keep Fit During Lockdown

Hold dig i form under nedlukning

Hold dig i form under lockdown Under denne lockdown for coronavirus er det af største vigtighed at forsøge at gennemføre daglig motion i hjemmet. Her er et par enkle idéer, der kan hjælpe dig med at holde dig i form under lockdown. Menneskekroppen er designet til at bevæge sig regelmæssigt, og det vil være alvorligt...
Kids Krav Maga Exam

Kids Krav Maga Exam

Kids Krav Maga Exam Massive congratulations to everyone who sat their Kids Krav Maga Exam on Saturday. We are continually working and training to ensure their standards are high enough to be graded in the Krav Maga System. We start the exam with physical fitness as...


  What is a FITNESS HOLIDAY? A Fitness Holiday is a specially designed vacation where the emphasis is on Losing Weight and improving your Fitness levels.  This type of holiday has become increasingly popular over the last few years as more people are becoming...


FITNESS HOLIDAYS Nowadays we all live in a world where we seem to be racing from one point to the next.  Every day is filled with a list of things that have to be done. And more often than not….its stuff that’s Not Really that important.  How about a...


HOW TO GET FIT IN 6 WEEKS FREE ONLINE PERSONAL TRAINING FITNESS COURSE In October last year due to having a double hernia operation i was unable to do any sort of TRAINING or PHYSICAL EXERCISE for about 5 months.  Therefore I wanted to create an ONLINE PERSONAL...