6 Week Resident Bootcamp

“A fun friendly  beach bootcamp for residents.  Everyone is Welcome.”

This 6 week resident bootcamp is a fitness and weight loss course that is open to everyone regardless of fitness levels and abilities.

Classes are held Monday to Friday at 07:30 – 08:20 on Playa La Pinta. Friday morning is Navy Seals Training where we train in the sea with Military style exercises in and out of the water. Make sure to bring a change of clothes and a towel for after the Navy Seals training session in the sea!

These sessions are all carried out on the beach and are made up of body weight exercises, circuits, sprints and shuttle runs.

After our energetic morning session on the resident bootcamp, we go to a local cafe for a drink giving you plenty of time to get to know the other resident bootcampers. Everyone is welcoming and its a great way to relax after the beach session.

The 6 week resident bootcamp is a great way to kick start a healthier lifestyle especially for those who have done little or no exercise for a while. The group at the resident bootcamp are friendly and supportive so no one will ever laugh at you or make you feel uncomfortable.  In contrast the whole group will help motivate you to do the best that you are capable of. During the classes you will feel a great sense of camaraderie. Everyone is there to encourage each other and work as a team which brings out strength and determination that most people never knew they had.

Before and After

Juan Before and after

After knowing Steve for quite a number of years, I was always asking him about the  Boot Camp and saying I was going to join him, But like everything in life, it just never happened, then, as the years went by and the weight kept piling on, my fitness levels and physical strength left me with 4 herniated discs and fractures in my back. I had two options; an operation or lose weight. So after almost 30 years of abuse to my body with very little physical training I decided it was time for change. First came the exercise and over time I noticed I had dropped a size in my clothing. Seeing the results then pushed me a little further, and I also decided to change my eating habits. And yes I wake up every morning with back pain feeling like staying in bed, but I get up and train with Steve because once my core muscles have strengthened the pain during my working day is almost non-existent, it goes to show that a little exercise goes a long way.

Holly Before and After

I’ve been going to bootcamp for a few years now but have only been consistent the last 3/4 months, Steve is an amazing trainer who really pushes you above and beyond (can’t believe how many burpees I can do now)

All the other bootcampers that go are amazing always cheering you on and also pushing you to go that wee bit further.

Not only have I dropped a few dress sizes, I’ve also met loads of friends, I love bootcamp and I can’t wait to get back from my holiday to tear in again.

Anne before and after

A great way to kickstart a healthy lifestyle.

Steve Coster is very knowledgeable and helpful. If you take his advice your fitness levels will go up and you will lose weight, and feel great.

I can highly recommend Steve’s Resident Bootcamp as a great way to start the day

Residents bootcamp
Boot camp residents beach
beaach bootcampers

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

When do the bootcamps start?

The courses run Monday to Friday 07.30 until 08.15, the Residents Bootcamp starts every 6 weeks, but you can join at any time.

Does the Bootcamp run all year round?

The 6 week resident bootcamp runs all year round, apart from the 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year.

Hvad skal jeg medbringe?

Please bring water and suitable training gear. For Navy Seals Friday please bring swimwear and a towel.

Is this a military style bootcamp?

No! The idea of shouting down at someone to get them to perform better is a style we don’t encourage anywhere in the world. We prefer the method of encouragement and motivation to one another on an equal basis. We will show you the techniques and correct way to stretch/lift/squat etc. We will encourage you to do that “one more” repetition but it will always be in a friendly and fun tone.

What level of fitness do I need for this boot camp?

Our residents Bootcamp is suitable for all fitness levels. Whether you are over-weight looking to get slimmer, you’re trying to get more toned or you are already in good shape and want a fun, active training session in which you can maintain your fitness level. However, we must point out that this is a very physical program, but we encourage you to go at your own pace. If you are unsure or have other questions, please email us. We are more than happy to answer any queries you have.

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