Reasons to Exercise Outdoors

For some unknown reason, there is a stigma attached to the idea of doing your workouts outside. People are embarrassed by the idea of others watching them get their sweat on and decide to hide away inside a gym instead. Here are the top reasons we think you should...

The Benefits of a Fitness Boot Camp

Every week, a new fitness trend will emerge and every fitness fanatic will go crazy. Despite this, some experts say that can be more beneficial to stick to the basics. If you are in doubt about which method is best for you, perhaps it is time to look into the benefits...


    Half way through our 6 week FITNESS BOOTCAMP COURSE on the beautiful ISLAND of TENERIFE. TRAINING in the SEA provides a huge amount of RESISTANCE in all types of EXERCISE but also has the benefit of LOW IMPACT on the joints whilst WORKING OUT!!! Whether...


FITNESS TRAINING IN TENERIFE We are extremely lucky to have such a perfect environment and climate for EXERCISING.  The beautiful ISLAND of TENERIFE offers a massive variety of landscapes and ares to TRAIN. The stunning MOUNT TEIDE (Spain’s highest point and one...


FITNESS TRAINING IN THE SEA BOOTCAMP TENERIFE This is an excellent form of EXERCISE which places huge RESISTANCE on the BODY and therefore works every single MUSCLE in the BODY. TRAINING starts on the BEACH and then moves into the SEA and back on to the sand making...