Online Personal Training

Online personlig træning

Træning eller fysisk træning af enhver art er yderst gavnligt for dit helbred. Uanset om det drejer sig om træning i store/små grupper eller om personlig træning. Disse vil begge have betydelige fordele og fordele. Nu er vi i en verden i forandring, og...
Family Fitness

Fitness for hele familien

Træning som familie Her på Tenerife er vi nu i vores femte uge med lockdown på grund af coronaviruset. For vores familiers fornuft og harmoni er det vigtigt for hele familieenheden at holde sig aktiv og sund ved at dyrke en form for familiefitness. En af de bedste...


We have just finished another week of our BOOTCAMP HOLIDAY training with our most recent group clients.  Our intensive training program this week has consisted of 3 BEACH BOOTCAMP Classes on Monday , Wednesday & Friday starting each day at 07:30 on Puerto Colon...


  What is a FITNESS HOLIDAY? A Fitness Holiday is a specially designed vacation where the emphasis is on Losing Weight and improving your Fitness levels.  This type of holiday has become increasingly popular over the last few years as more people are becoming...